Port Angeles


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The Shops
Port Angeles is a great place to shop and get away for a day or two. There are many types of shops here, though its biggest market is in fashion.
Port Angeles is a great place to shop and get away for a day or two. There are many types of shops here, though its biggest market is in fashion.
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The Park
The park in Port Angeles is really nice with winding sidewalks to stroll across while taking in the views of the smaller city.
The park in Port Angeles is really nice with winding sidewalks to stroll across while taking in the views of the smaller city.
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The Cinema
Going on a date or just want to catch a movie? You can do that here for a pretty good price.
Going on a date or just want to catch a movie? You can do that here for a pretty good price.
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The Harbour
A place that boats come in and go out, but also a great place for serenity and alone time.
A place that boats come in and go out, but also a great place for serenity and alone time.
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A rather large town that often hosts teenagers visiting for entertainment.
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